Term 1 Week 1 - 3rd February 2023


Welcome to the first 'special edition' of our College Newsletter for 2023.  A full College newsletter is published fortnightly on even weeks during the term (Weeks 2, 4, 6 8 10). On odd weeks, a shorter version with a link to the College Calendar and upcoming events will be emailed to families. However, this week's special edition newsletter contains information pertinent to the start of the school year.

A warm welcome to our 225 Year 7 students and 25 new families and students in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 who have joined our College community this year. We also welcome back our Year 12 and look forward to having you lead our College in your final year of schooling. I sincerely hope students have reconnected with their friends and made a few new friends since returning to school. 

2023 is going to be another great year for our St Joseph's Regional College community. With our theme of “Justice” being our focus it will be important for each of us to embrace action to right social injustices and help others where we can.

In 2023 we need to make sure we get the little things right. We need to support each other to wear our uniform correctly, keep our environment beautiful, treat others with respect, be kind to everyone and show gratitude for all the wonderful experiences that are available at this most beautiful College. This will ensure that students can learn in a safe and friendly environment, and are open to the opportunities that are available at St Joseph's Regional College.

At this week's special assembly, new staff and staff who have new roles within the College were introduced to students.  We have the best teachers and staff and I would like to thank them all for the amazing work they have been doing in preparation for your 2023 school year.

Staff Role Changes

Mr Ian Lutton
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
Mr Matthew Bushe
Assistant Principal- Mission
Mrs Anne Marchment

Leader of Curriculum
Mr Michael Walsh
Leader of Student Wellbeing
(Behaviour Support)
Mr Shane Hyland
Leader of Evangelisation
Ms Chelsea Roulstone
Leader of English
Mr Dylan Sainsbury
Leader of Wellbeing
Mrs Sarah McLeod
Literacy Coach
Ms Donna Hamlin
Student Support
Ms Emily Burg
College Youth Minister
Mr Jegethees Sanmugarasa
IT Assistant
Ms Breanna Stone
Canteen Supervisor

New Staff

Mrs Ebony Pett
Mrs Karina Hawley
Mr John Wood
Mr George McLeod
Miss Bronte Mason
English & HSIE
Mrs Carly Kennedy
Mrs Amy Haydon
Mr Trent Clayworth
Classroom Support
Mr Jason Smith
Classroom Support
Mr Nathan Cox
Classroom Support
Jonah Garven
Co-curricular Trainee
Amahli Kennedy
PDHPE Trainee
Mikayla Steele
Creative Arts Trainee
Joshua Wright
Indigenous Education Worker
Naomi Mendes
Indigenous Education Worker

Traffic Management

In Term 2 we commenced a process of reviewing our Traffic Management Policy in consultation with the Catholic Schools Office and the Parish. The safety of our students is our number one priority and we are in a position to trial new procedures in 2023.

Please refer to the map below which outlines the changes.

The main changes are in place to:

  • avoid students crossing the road in unsafe places
  • allow buses to enter and exit in a timely manner so the majority of our students can be transported home and/or transfer stations safely
  • to facilitate traffic flow thus avoiding gridlock in the case of emergency vehicles needing to access the site

The best practice is for students to catch a bus, or walk home if they live in the local vicinity. I understand that is not always practical.

Parents collecting their children by car will need to be mindful of the following changes:

  • The drop-off and pick-up zone is a NO PARKING zone. Cars can sit in the zone for 2-3 minutes then will need to move on. You will be required to drive into a visitor car park space or drive out of the grounds and around the roundabout on College Drive/Chancellors Drive to re-enter if you exceed the 2-3 minutes.
  • Bus Zones are STRICTLY NO PARKING zones.
  • The road past the Administration Building is now ONE WAY.
  • If parents park in the Visitor Parking area, they must walk across to the drop-off and pick-up zone and collect their child to take them to the car.
  • Cars are required to park REAR to KERB.

We have added two new pedestrian crossings for students to exit the College if walking or riding bikes. These are the ONLY two places students are permitted to exit the College on foot. Students CAN NOT walk out through the front College Main gates and have been advised not to cross the road in any unsafe place.

Year 11 students who park in the allocated Year 11 parking area must walk past the maintenance shed and across the pedestrian crossing, near the tennis courts, to cross the road to and from that carpark.

Thank you for your continued support to ensure all of our community stakeholders, particularly our students, are safe at drop-off and pick-up times.

The updated Traffic Management Policy can be found on our College website on the Policy & Procedures page, which is located under the 'About' tab. 


Security camera.png

CCTV Security

Last July, CCTV security and surveillance cameras were installed at various points around the College to monitor student movement and improve safety and security for all. They have proven highly successful and we were able to install more over the January holiday period to provide better security to outdoor areas and some learning spaces.

Mrs Tanya Daley

Web Article Staff news Principal's Message Traffic Management

Welcome_back.jfifI would like to welcome you all to the start of the 2023 academic year at St Joseph’s Regional College. This year I start in a new role as Assistant Principal Learning and Teaching replacing Mr Tim McCosker who served the College and the Parish in a steadfast and remarkable capacity throughout his career. I would also like to welcome Ms Anne Marchment who is now the Leader of Curriculum in the College. Together, we both will support the learning and teaching focus within the College. Our mission is to ensure that each student has the opportunity to immerse themselves in our rich learning environment and achieve their personal goals as they journey through secondary education at the College.

For those who are new to the College, whilst the start of the year may appear to be overwhelming at times, especially for our new Year 7 students, you will soon settle into the routine of secondary education at the College. The start of any year is a great opportunity for students to reflect on what they wish to achieve this year and to formulate actions that will ultimately lead to each student achieving their goals.


As part of this journey to achieve our best during the year, three key focus areas will drive learning throughout 2023. The first is a focus on high expectations. Our goal at the College is to see each student believe in their capacity to achieve their potential. While there will be times when the challenges of schoolwork may appear difficult, the ability to persevere and work through the challenges will develop great personal skills that will serve us well after we complete our schooling and head into the next phase of our life.


The second focus area is around enhancing our culture of learning and improvement. As part of this, I challenge students to continue to reflect on the quality of work they produce and seek to deepen their understanding of course content and improve the quality of the work produced throughout the year.

The third focus area relates to starting the year fresh and, as we settle into our new classes and subjects, we reflect on those learning behaviours that will help each of us achieve our goals for the year.Newstart.jpg

Specifically, we believe that these six core learning behaviours detailed below will ensure the classroom is an environment conducive to learning. Embracing these learning behaviours allows all students to strive for high expectations and embed a culture of learning and improvement in every aspect of their learning journey over the course of 2023.

  1. DEMONSTRATE a positive learning behaviour and be ENGAGED in your learning

  2. DISPLAY respect for others

  3. Use time EFFECTIVELY to complete homework and assessments

  4. ACT on FEEDBACK to IMPROVE the quality of your work

  5. BE self-managed and ORGANISED

  6. Work COLLABORATIVELY with teachers and peers

Finally, Ms Anne Marchment (Leader of Curriculum) and myself, wish you all a great start to 2023 and look forward to the many opportunities that emerge throughout the course of the year.

Ian Lutton
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
Web Article Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

High expectations and culture of learning.


Welcome back from what I hope has been a restorative and restful break for you. 

Here at St Joseph’s Regional College, we have high expectations of all students. Our high expectations do not begin and end with your learning or what appears on your report card, although of course, great learning is a focus for all of us. Our high expectations extend into our many co-curricular endeavours and opportunities and into our work and service as members of our Catholic community. Every staff member at SJRC expects students to be the best person they can be, in every lesson, every day.

Every student at SJRC has one job: learning. Our teachers work hard to set students up with everything they need to be successful learners, starting with a positive attitude and a strong learning mindset. Every policy, every rule, every procedure is in place so students are best positioned to walk into every learning space ready to learn all they can.

Over this next week, I will be meeting with each year group to ensure every student in our College understands some baseline expectations. This will support them in avoiding negative experiences at school so that they can focus on their job of learning.

Also to support students in being as well-positioned as possible for learning, their PC Teachers will be introducing a Positive Education Wellbeing Program which is embedded into the new College diaries. There will be daily check-ins and lots of discussions about what it means to be healthy, well, positive and ready for everything life has to offer. I encourage students to embrace this opportunity to be their best selves in 2023.

To keep lines of communication open, parents are asked to view their child's diary and sign it each week. This is also an area where a short note can be written if needed.

Code of Presentation - College Uniform 2023

Our Code of Presentation is very clear. At the end of last year, changes were communicated to all students and parents. The main changes for 2023 are:

  • The old style stretchy SAPSS shorts with the white lettering have been phased out. All students need to be in the new sport shorts with the yellow trim.
  • No students should be wearing white socks anymore. All socks are now black. Sports socks should only be worn with sports uniforms only.

The following uniform items have been phased out and are no longer available to purchase or wear in 2023:

  • old style plain black SAPSS sports shorts
  • white SAPSS sports socks 
  • white formal socks
  • grey formal socks. 

Sports Uniform
uniform_1_.jpgAll students must wear the new black sports shorts with the yellow strip down the side and black SAPSS sports socks when wearing their sports uniform.


Formal Uniform
may still wear their grey formal shorts, however, will be required to wear the new style black socks with white stripes.

Girls will be required to wear the new plain black socks with skirts or the white striped sock if they choose to wear black shorts. 

Not Permitted

  • Invisible “sockette” style socks or branded socks such as Nike or Adidas.
  • Jewellery items such as beaded anklets

These items are not part of our College uniform and are not permitted to be worn at school.

I thank families for their assistance in ensuring the high standards of our Code of Presentation are maintained.

Mrs Jennifer Furney
Assistant Principal- Pastoral Care

Assistant Principal - Pastoral

The Importance of Prayer

Our belief in Jesus Christ is so central to who we are, without that belief in our school, St Joseph’s Regional College does not need to exist. It is expected that we all participate in prayer as a sign of respect and reverence for God, for all those who have gone before us, and for those who have helped to shape our College.

In Australia today, it has become an expectation that we acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we live, our First Nations people. Which is awesome and a beautiful way to come together. It would be considered disrespectful to deny or opt out of that acknowledgement. In a similar way, we need to acknowledge that our school only exists because of our Catholic Faith Tradition, so participating in prayer is one way that demonstrates our appreciation and acknowledgement of who we are as a College community.

We are a faith community for education so that our students can grow in faith, and achieve fullness of life.Prayer is not a performance or a passive event where the audience just watches. It is important that we join in with responses because we all pray together as one community.

We pray for God’s blessing over our St Joseph’s Regional College Community as we journey through 2023. May our parents, students and staff work in harmony in the pursuit of learning and as we work for justice for all.

Justice 2023 

Of all the themes in our six-year cycle, Justice is possibly our greatest call to action. Justice is very much about others - we cannot be just when we are self-centred or focused on ourselves.

Justice is often a term used when discussing legal matters but Justice in a Christian sense is much more. Justice is about love. It is about loving your neighbour as yourself. And as the Parable of the Good Samaritan demonstrates, your neighbour is everyone, even those you may not normally connect or agree with.

Justice is about the sacred dignity of every human being, as we are all made in the image and likeness of God. We are all unique people with a special purpose.

Justice is about giving support to those who need it most. Who are the people in our lives and in our world that are often forgotten? These are the people who need God’s justice.

Justice is for all, no matter what.

House Justice Patron

This year, each house will have a Justice Patron; someone who has lived a life working for justice. These patrons modelled what Jesus taught and sacrificed much in the pursuit of justice. Our house patrons are drawn from our Catholic heritage both from the Australian Church and the Global Church. One of our patrons is still living and resides less than an hour away from our College!

Flinders_Uncle_Richard_Campbell.jpgFor Flinders:
Uncle Richard Campbell is a Gumbaynggirr-Dunghutti man, and he is a survivor of the Stolen Generations. Uncle Richard was taken to Kinchela Boys Home, where hundreds of Aboriginal boys were raised from the 1920s to the 1970s. He earned a degree in Fine Arts and is now an internationally recognised artist who mentors young Aboriginal artists. Uncle Richard’s Christ-centred spirituality has been a source of restoration too; he grew up Catholic before being stolen from his parents, and now gains great strength from the stories of the Bible. He has found healing through brotherhood with his childhood mates, through the Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation and was featured in Caritas’ Project Compassion stories in 2017 for this work. Today he lives in Kempsey and his current focus is on helping future generations to learn what really happened to Aboriginal people. He continues his art today and is working on re-telling Gospel stories through Aboriginal art. Uncle Richard is our only living Justice patron and we hope to have him visit us this year.

Hastings_Mary_MacKillop.jpgFor Hastings:
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. Mary MacKillop was an educator, a pioneer and a leader, someone who had compassion for others regardless of their situation or race. She founded the Sisters of St Joseph, who in turn established Catholic Schools around the country, including in Port Macquarie.

Galvanised by her belief in the value of education as the foundation for a fulfilling life, Mary's motto was: “Never see a need without doing something about it”.

She demonstrated great faith, even after being excommunicated from the Church she kept up her good work and after an audience with the Pope, she was restored to the Church. Mary MacKillop’s attitude was always of forgiveness and respect. Her many letters are evidence of her vision, courage and leadership.

She was canonised as a Saint on 17 October 2010.

Innes_Saint_Vincent_de_Paul.jpgFor Innes:
St Vincent de Paul is primarily recognized for his charity and compassion for the poor, though he is also known for his reform of the priesthood. We know of St Vincent de Paul through the many outreaches and charities established under the Society of St Vincent de Paul.

Vincent urged his followers to bring God’s justice and love to people who were unable to live a full human life. He said: “Deal with the most urgent needs. Organise charity so that it is more efficient…teach reading and writing, educate with the aim of giving each the means of self-support”.

He was canonised on 16 June 1737.


For Macquarie:
Saint John Paul II was among the longest-serving Popes and is remembered for his successful efforts to end communism, as well as for building bridges with people of other faiths and issuing the Catholic Church's first apology for its actions during World War II. St. John Paul II used his influence among Catholics and throughout the world to advance the recognition of human dignity and to deter the use of violence. He also was one of the first religious figures to honour Aboriginal Spirituality in his sermon to our First Nations people in Alice Springs in 1986.
He was Pope from 1978 to 2005
He was canonised as a Saint on 27 April 2014.


For Oxley:
Irene McCormack was a Sister of St Joseph (Mary MacKillop’s order of sisters) from Western Australia. McCormack felt called to serve Latin America's poor. She became a missionary worker in Peru, in 1987. McCormack and her companion, Sister Dorothy Stevenson RSJ, were eventually asked to supervise the distribution of emergency goods by Caritas Peru. When warned of impending danger from the Shining Path terrorist group, many missionaries left the village. Irene chose to not abandon the poor community and so stayed, risking her life to help those in need.
On the 21st of May 1991, Irene's fears were realised when she and five others were dragged to the village square by the rebels, told to lie face down and executed with a shot to the back of the head. Irene's 'crime' in the eyes of her murderers was caring for, working with and handing out Caritas food parcels to the impoverished villagers.


For Wilson:
St Teresa of Calcutta. During her time on earth, she was known as Mother Teresa and devoted her life to serving the poor and destitute around the world. She spent many years in Calcutta, India where she founded the Missionaries of Charity, a religious congregation devoted to helping those in great need. In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and became a symbol of charitable, selfless work. Her life’s work was centred around the dignity of the human person.
She was canonised on 4 September 2016.

Impact Uganda Raffle

One of the first ways that we would like to DO JUSTICE is to sponsor children to go to school.

Education is a key issue in alleviating poverty, so child sponsorship that provides the simple opportunity for education that we take for granted is a high priority. Lives can be changed for as little as $1 a day.

At the Ignite Conference last year, we learned that the Emmanuel Worship community had partnered with the Holy Trinity community in Masaka, Uganda because families were unable to afford to send their children to school. Through their Impact Uganda project, we can make it possible for children living in poverty to receive an education.

Raffle for Uganda


Thanks to a generous donation from Hastings Co-Op IGA Sovereign Place IGA, we have five two-kilogram blocks of Cadbury Chocolate to give away. Beginning next week we will be selling raffle tickets to raise money to sponsor a child from Uganda to go to school. It only costs $360 to send a child to primary school so we hope to send one or even two children to school. If everyone in our College spent only $1 in this raffle, we could easily sponsor 3 children!

We hope to see you all over the next week, as we will be selling tickets near the Canteen.

Tickets will be $1 each or 3 for $2.



St Agnes' Church Gospel Reflections 

Fr Paul Gooley is continuing to provide Gospel readings and reflections via email and online Monday to Saturday for those interested in connecting with their faith in this way.

Click to watch Fr Paul's Gospel Readings and Reflections.

St Agnes' Parish News Bulletin

Each week the Parish produces a news bulletin. In this week’s bulletin:

  • Reflections on The Beatitudes
  • Pastoral Renewal Groups during Lent
  • Upcoming baptisms
  • St Vincent de Paul Society volunteers needed
  • Cenacle at Lake Cathie - Thursday 2nd February
  • St Agnes' Gift Shop - 2023 calendars and diaries available
  • Mass times

Click to read this week's Parish News Bulletin

Mr Matthew Bushe
Assistant Principal- Mission
Web Article SJRC in the Community Assistant Principal - Mission

Music notes.pngPlease note the commencement dates of the following Music Ensembles:

  • COLLEGE CONCERT BAND – Friday 7:45am, Week 1, (includes NZ Concert Band)
  • NEW ZEALAND CHOIR – Friday 8:00am, Week 1
  • COLLEGE JAZZ BAND – Thursday 8:00am, Week 2
  • COLLEGE CHOIR – Watch the notices as this group will be rotated over the weeks.
  • YEAR 7 & YEAR 8 ROCK BAND – Friday 8:00am, week 3. This includes all year 7 guitarists, drummers, and bass guitarists who are not in the Concert Band
  • NEW ZEALAND JAZZ BAND – Monday 4:00pm-5:00pm, Week 3

All music lessons will be commencing from next Wednesday, 8th February, Week 2.

Please contact Mrs Green for further information.

Sharon Green
Leader of Co-Curricular Music

Music Notes CoCurricular Music

Student Verification Forms
Students have been given a Student Verification Report which contains current details, including medical information, which we have on our Student Administration System for your child.


Thank you to the many families who have already returned the updated form. We ask that if you have not returned the Student Verification Report as yet to please do so by Monday, 6th February, noting any changes. It is important that this report is returned even if there are no changes made.

Research shows that even one day off can be detrimental to student learning. Whilst we realise sickness and family situations arise we encourage all students to aim for 100% attendance.

Attendance Matters.png

We ask that families please contact the College if their child will be absent on any given day, alternatively, you are able to submit the absence via our College website at the following link: https://www.pmreglism.catholic.edu.au/absentee

St Joseph's Regional College yearly reports for all students in Year 7-12 will record attendance at special events such as Masses, Feast Days, Retreats, Camps and Sporting Carnivals. The report will simply indicate whether or not students were in attendance on these days irrespective of sickness, leave etc.

If you would like further explanation of this reporting initiative, please contact Mr Ian Lutton or Mrs Tanya Daley.

Late Arrival to the College


Students arriving late must report to the College Office prior to going to Pastoral Care (PC). This includes arriving late during PC time 8.45am- 9.05am. Doing this will avoid students being marked absent.

Early Departure from the College
We ask that families endeavour not to pick students up, unless in an emergency, prior to 3.15pm. Arriving late and departing early places increased pressure on students in relation to catching up on missed work. It is also disruptive for other students and teachers when students enter or leave a lesson during class time.


Wherever possible, please ensure appointments are made outside of school hours. However, if this is not possible, it would be appreciated if collection times can be arranged for the end of a period.

When collecting students early from the College, please follow the procedure below.

  • Note from parent/guardian. Noting the reason for early leave, the time name of student leaving and who will be collecting your child.
  • Students are to report to the College Office prior to morning PC, with the note from home, where an Early Leave Pass will be issued.
  • The student shows the pass to their respective class teacher at the beginning of the lesson they will be leaving from. When close to departure time, the student will then politely inform the class teacher that it is time for them to go to the office to be collected.

Please note: If a student does not come to the office at the arranged time, we may not be able to call the classroom or use our internal or external systems. This may result in parents having to wait until the end of the period to collect their child.
We thank you for your cooperation with these procedures.

We have received a number of emails requesting messages in regards to leaving early to be passed on to students. Please note, our College email is checked intermittently throughout the day, therefore, we may miss the time required for the message to be passed on. Please contact the College Office if the above procedure was not able to be followed. 

Messages/Items passed onto Students
Our College Office staff are happy to and will do their very best to pass on messages Forgot_something.jfifand forgotten items, however, on some occasions, students have not come to the office to receive these messages/items. We encourage students to take responsibility for preparing the required items for each school day.

Due to COVID-19 we ask that any items to be passed onto students are to be in a plastic bag with their name clearly written on it.

Mobile Phone Usage

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A reminder that students in Years 7-10 are not permitted to use their mobile phones between the hours of 8.15 am-3.15 pm. The College rules clearly state this, and it is College policy that students using their mobile phones will have it confiscated until parents can collect it, and the student will be given afternoon detention.

Senior students may use their phone at recess or lunch, however, no student is to phone parents to be picked up. This call must be made by the College Office.
Students are very aware of the rules regarding mobile phone usage. The Acceptable Use Agreement for Digital Technologies Policy on mobile phone usage can be found on page 14A of the College Diary.

Sick at School Procedures
Sickbay.jpgStudents are not permitted to phone parents from mobile phones when they are ill and requesting to be collected. Students are to advise their class teacher that they are unwell. The teacher will then sign their diary and they will be allowed to go to the sickbay where office staff will contact their parents/carers.

If your child does contact you from a mobile phone, we would ask that you phone the front office prior to coming out to the College in order to avoid an uncomfortable situation for all concerned, and detentions having to be issued. Please note that regular late arrivals and early departures are detrimental to your child’s overall attendance rate and education.



All excursion information is sent to parents/guardians via email. A link to an online permission form is included for your convenience and must be completed in order for your child to attend any off-campus activities.

Upcoming excursion details may also be accessed via our website under the Parents tab, Excursion Information. If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact Lisa Bulley or Jenny Tarbox, Excursion Coordinators at the College on telephone: 5525 4100 or email: lisa.bulley@lism.catholic.edu.au jennifer.tarbox@lism.catholic.edu.au


Lockers.jpgLockers have currently been allocated to Year 7. Locker hire for the year is $20.00, which will be billed to your account once your child has been allocated a locker. This fee includes locker hire & use of the lock for the school year.

Years 8-10 - please contact the College office to request a locker. Your College account will be billed $20.00 hire. Students will be advised to collect their lock through morning notices and also via announcements during recess and lunchtimes.

If a student requires a locker for medical reasons, please contact Mrs Julie Hickling in the College Office to make immediate arrangements.

All locks must be returned at the end of the school year or if the student leaves the College. If locks are not returned the student account will be billed an additional $20.00.

Medical Alert - please keep us updated

The College maintains a “Medical Alert Information Card” for students which are displayed in an appropriate area in the staff room. Please be mindful of informing the College of any diagnosis or change in medical conditions for your child. This is especially important for those students with Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Seizures, Diabetes and Epilepsy.

In order to keep our records up to date, we ask that you update these very important details at your earliest convenience, via the following link. Medical Information Form

If your child has an allergy or anaphylaxis, please forward to the College the ASCIA form completed by their doctor.

If you need further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Joanne Williams in the College Office.

Bus Pass Information
Busways.jfifBusways will forward the initial batch of passes (student's continuing from last year and new applications) directly to the student's home address. Any student who is eligible for school free travel and does not have a pass should complete an Application Form online at https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-school-travel-pass

Students Travelling to another destination - Students may travel to another destination for sporting or family reasons, however, there is a charge for this and there is no guarantee that they will be able to board the bus due to numbers. Priority will always be given to those students who are allocated to that bus. If your child plans to travel on a different bus please ensure that they have a backup plan if they are not able to board.

Following are the fees applicable if you travel on a different bus than allocated.

  • Travel to Port Macquarie - $1.10
  • Travel to rural areas (Laurieton, Wauchope) - $2.10

Alternatively, if you regularly travel to another address you are able to purchase a Term pass at the cost of $40.00 AM only or PM only pass. Otherwise, the cost is $80 for less than 2km travel and $100 for more than 2km of travel.

Replacement Pass Procedures- Students who have lost or damaged their Busways bus pass should:

Complete an Application for Replacement School/TAFE Free Travel Pass

The application is to be posted/taken to the LOCAL Busways Depot, with the replacement fee of $15.00 (GST inc).

Busways will issue a new pass and hands to the applicant or may also mail to the applicant.

Apply at - http://www.busways.com.au/

Bus timetable: Please find below the link to the current St Joseph's Regional College Bus Timetable. St Joseph's Regional College Bus Timetable

Administration News

Swimming Carnival

Our annual SJRC Swimming Carnival is to be held on Tuesday, 14th February 2023 (week 3) at Port Macquarie Olympic Pool. Students are encouraged to bring plenty of water, sunscreen and House spirit. This is a compulsory day for all students and attendance is marked on this year's report. 

There are four main events swum on the day – freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly.  Students have a choice of swimming in these races in the 50m or 25m pool.  4x50m freestyle relays (worth double points) are held after lunch.

Participation is what wins the House Shield.  Participation points in the 50m pool are worth 5 points and the 25m pool – 1 point.  Students who finish in the top 4 times in the 50m pool are awarded bonus points.  The students who finish first and second in the points race over the day are awarded Age Champion trophies and Runners-up medals.

Students who live in Port Macquarie or have parents who work in Port Macquarie may meet us at the pool on carnival day.   Students can be dropped from 8:15am onwards.  PC teachers are keeping a record of this.  Please provide a note if meeting at the pool to PC teachers prior to carnival day.  All other students are bussed to the pool. The cost of the day is $10. This is non-refundable for withdrawals on the day and will be billed to your College account.

Under current COVID-19 restrictions, parents/guardians are permitted onsite at school events.  Students wishing to remain at the pool at the completion of the carnival must leave the premises and then re-enter paying any fee necessary.  NB: No student may leave the carnival until after the presentation – 2:45pm.

Students who finish in the first two places for each event (on times) qualify for the Diocesan Carnival to be held in Kempsey on Thursday, 2nd March 2023.  

Due to our large number, some events are not swum on carnival day.  Students who wish to compete in the following events have to provide times (from the NSW Swimming Website) to Mr Kelly by Friday, 17th February – 100m freestyle, 100 breaststroke, 100 backstroke, 100 butterfly, 200 IM & 200 freestyle and 400m freestyle.  The top two times will progress in each division.  

Dean Kelly Memorial House Trophy - past winners

Uniform requirements: students may wear House colours to and from school.

Swimming_Carnival_Don_t_be_checky.pngPlease check that your child’s swimwear is modest and appropriate for a school swimming carnival ie. no bottom cheeks or breasts revealed. As a general rule, swimmers designed for race swimming are preferable. While we discourage bikinis, we understand some brands of two-piece swimwear are specifically designed for pool swimming (Kozi, Funkita, Speedo etc.) and these are acceptable.  College rash shirts will be issued to students who are competing in swimwear deemed to be inappropriate.

Further information about the day can be found on the College Website under the SPORT tab.



We look forward to a great day. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Mr Damien Kelly
Leader of Sport

Web Article Sport

Former student and staff member Ella Abi-Saab is currently travelling and working overseas. Her future plans include investigating careers in animal conservation, animal ecology and marine biology.


Mrs Leanne Tinsey
Careers Pathway


St Joseph's Regional College has a number of different social media platforms. We would love for you to follow us.

Facebook logo.jpg
Twitter logo.jpg

St Joseph's Regional College

Website - https://www.pmreglism.catholic.edu.au/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SJRCPort

Instagram - @sjrcport

St Joseph's Regional College - 50 year Celebrations

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SJRC50years

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sjr50years/

Digital Ministry

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sjrcdigitalministry


Website - https://pmreglism.libguides.com/home

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sjrcexchange

Instagram - Instagram - @sjrcexchange


Website - https://www.sjrcportcareers.com/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sjrcportcareers

Administration News

Volunteers Wanted


We cannot run the canteen without you; as the saying goes:

"Many Hands Make Light Work".

If you are able to spare an hour or so of your time, we would
love for you to join us.

Please contact Breeanna Stone through the College Office on 5525 4100.

Weekly Lunch Specials
Term 1 Week 2 Lunch Specials 
Monday Hawaiian Chicken Burgers
Tuesday Honey Soy Chicken Wings & Fried Rice
Wednesday Spaghetti Bolognese
Thursday Chicken BLT Wraps
Friday Meatball Subs

The Canteen opens at 8.00 am every school day.

CLICK HERE for the Canteen's everyday menu.

Breeanna Stone
Food Services Manager


There are awesome prizes to be won and items to bid on including a helicopter flight, Pub horse ride at Beechwood, a kayak, accommodation, beer and wine, Engel eskys, fishing gear, electrical appliances, yoga / beauty / massage vouchers etc etc

Tickets are on sale from 5.30pm. Raffle draw approx 7.15pm
Live auction 8.15pm

Community News