Term 2 Week 4 - 18th May 2023


COMPASS School Manager Platform

All families have today received an email pertaining to our new communication and administration platform which I have included below.

At the beginning of Term 3, St Joseph's Regional College will be introducing a new communication and school administration platform called "COMPASS School Manager". The Compass platform will become our main communication tool; providing a more efficient way of relaying College information to families.

As of Term 3 Week 1, Compass will replace a number of our current systems and processes. Compass is already being used by a number of dioceses and the Lismore Diocese has been moving all schools to the Compass platform over the past three years. College staff have been attending training sessions, covering all aspects of Compass in preparation for the changeover.

The Compass platform is a web-based system that is accessible on any modern web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari) or by using the Compass School Manager iOS or Android App. The Compass platform includes many different features, and you will have the ability to:

  • Receive notifications about school events, news and information.
  • Enter an explanation for absences.
  • Communicate with your child’s teachers.
  • Update your family contact details (mobile phone & email).
  • Download and view your child’s academic reports.
  • Book Parent-Teacher interviews.
  • Provide digital consent and make payments for excursions and events.

Over the coming weeks, as we move closer to the transition to Compass, we will communicate the parent onboarding process, which will include: how to access the platform and where you can seek assistance if help is required with the new system.

Learning on Country

This week we were pleased to mount a sign at the front of our College that acknowledges that we are learning on Birpai Country. We also acknowledge a special artwork featured on the sign. The Diocese commissioned Uncle Richard Campbell to create “Five Nations” that represent all the nations on which our Diocese Schools reside. Uncle Richard Campbell is also the Justice Patron of Flinders for 2023. We also acknowledge Aunty Rhonda Radley for assisting us with the Gathang language. Aunty Rhonda is a prominent Birpai Elder who is currently working through a local language program with many of our Indigenous students.


Year 12 Retreat

Last week, our Year 12 students were at Francis Retreat in Bonny Hills for their retreat experience. This incredible experience is always a highlight of Year 12 and this year’s groups were not different in their thinking.

I extend deepest gratitude to Ms Heidi Flanagan, Mr Shane Hyland, Mr Matthew Bushe, Mrs Fiona Jensen, Mr Steve Manning, Mr Gordon West, Mr Sean Jennings, Miss Mahni Lewis, Mr Dylan Sainsbury Mrs Lisa Mahon, Mr Jeremy Buckley, Mrs Kellie Croft, Emily Burg (College Youth Minister) and Thomas McGhee (Ministry Assistant from Newman). These staff gave up their own time to facilitate this rich experience that our students will long remember into their adult years.

I refer you to Ms Flanagan's report in this week's newsletter.


Year 7 2024

We have now completed our interview process for Year 7 2024. From Friday, 19th May, any further applications will be placed on a waiting list.

For all enrolment enquiries please submit an enrolment enquiry via the link below:

Enrolment Enquiries

Mrs Tanya Daley

Web Article Year 12 Indigenous Education Administration News Enrolment Retreats & Reflection Days

Ascension Sunday


Within our Church, this coming Sunday we experience one of the high points in the life of Jesus and the disciples. Jesus calls his disciples to a literal mountain-top experience where he issues them their great commission before he ascends into heaven. He tells them, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28: 19-20). This great commission has stood the test of time as even today, this command is being lived out by countless people all over the globe. This is why Catholic Schools exist!
I am reminded of a blessing attributed to Nano Nagle who was an Irish nun who founded the Presentation Sisters (these sisters established some of the schools in the north of our Diocese):

Go out,
You may not rest secure
for need calls loudly
You must seek God there
loving will be your flame
and blessing will be your constant companion

Innes Patron for Justice 

This week at our Assembly, there was a lot presented with regard to our Mission.


Alana Toogood from Innes spoke about their House Patron for Justice - St Vincent de Paul. Here is some of what they said:

Today I would like to talk to you about our Innes Patron Saint this year when our College is focussing on social justice. His name is St Vincent de Paul, and his work has had a profound impact on communities around the world, including Australia.

St Vincent de Paul was a Catholic priest who lived in France in the 17th century. He founded the Congregation, and the Daughters of Charity, religious orders dedicated to serving the needs of the poor and marginalized and today, these organizations continue his work around the world.

In Australia, the St Vincent de Paul Society was founded in 1854. It is a volunteer-based organization that provides a range of services to those in need, including providing food, clothing, housing assistance, and support for people experiencing a range of social and personal problems including unemployment, family breakdown, dependency issues and homelessness. The society presently has more than 60,000 members and volunteers working across Australia

‘Vinnies’ as it is often known, plays a key role in emergency response and disaster relief which we have seen in action in our own towns and communities in recent years, people, including members of our own college community, who have been affected by natural disasters, including bushfires and floods, have received support and care via the amazing services, and from the wonderful personnel from local branches of St Vincent de Paul.


So the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society in Australia in 2023 continues the legacy of a great man and his commitment to social justice and serving the needs of the poor and marginalised. Their work is guided by the belief that every person has inherent dignity and worth and that it is the responsibility of everybody….young and old……to work towards a more just and equitable society.

St Vincent de Paul said, ‘There is no act of charity that is not accompanied by justice’, and in that spirit, his life and work have had an ongoing impact on communities around the world, including here in Australia. Let us, therefore, honour his legacy by continuing to work towards a more just and equitable society where every person is valued and respected.

The Vinnies Winter Appeal


This year, the Vinnies Winter Appeal focuses on the issue of older women experiencing homelessness. Our school’s contributions to the Winter Appeal will allow Vinnies to continue supporting older women who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, to have access to the support they need to get back on their feet and to be safe and well.

The latest census figures revealed women over 55 remain one of the most at-risk demographics, increasing by 37% over the past decade to more than 7,300 across Australia.

In this, our Year of Justice, we can draw inspiration from our Justice patrons - St Vincent de Paul but also St Mother Teresa, St Mary MacKillop and Irene McCormack - all of whom lived lives devoted to helping the poor and outcast. Supporting this cause means that we are living out the corporal works of mercy.

  • Ways that students can get involved this year include:
    Supporting our Out of Uniform Day in Week 5 on Friday, 26th May: For the out-of-uniform day, you can bring in a donation of $2 or more - or you may want to go through your wardrobe looking for warm clothes and blankets to donate. It is important that these items are clean and in good condition. The people we support may be poor or homeless, but they are absolutely worthy of dignity, respect and our best!
  • Joining in our Vinnies Sleepout: This will be held early in Term 3 on Friday, the 28th of July. It will be hosted at Newman Senior Technical College. This is a night of fun and games but provides a meaningful experience of understanding what it could be like to have to sleep rough.

Australian Ironman - Port Macquarie

On Ironman Sunday, we had many students and some staff crewing a shift at a Run Station on Park Street. These students exemplified the spirit of our College that we aspire to share in our community. They distributed drinks and sustenance to the athletes but more importantly, they cheered each participant on as they ran the gruelling distance. I am very proud of our students for giving up so many hours on a Sunday and feel deeply blessed to have shared such a positive experience with them.

Date for Your Diary: SJRC Youth and Family Mass Takeover!

On Sunday 28th May, Pentecost Sunday, our College will be taking over many parts of the 5:00pm Mass at St Agnes’ Church, and we are looking for your help and your presence at this mass.

If you would like to be involved in music or in providing hospitality (tea and coffee) at the end of mass, please contact me or Mr Shane Hyland. This is a wonderful chance to connect with our Parish community, who support us and provide us with our beautiful College!

World Youth Day 2023

Our three parish World Youth Day pilgrims SJRC Alumni students Sarah Jennings and Cloe Nash along with Thomas McGhee, Ministry Assistant at NSTC ask for your prayers, support and travel advice as they prepare to become pilgrims attending World Youth Day in Lisbon from 23 July to 11 August. They are currently organising fundraising in the lead-up to their departure.
“Any support will be gratefully received – we understand times are tough for some, and monetary support isn’t always an option, so we would also really appreciate any travel advice or well wishes for our pilgrimage!” says Chloe.

There are 5 prize bundles up for grabs with a total value of over $900. Tickets are $5 each or $10 for 3. Raffle tickets are for sale from the Pastoral Office; alternatively, you may like to make a donation to - https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-our-young-adults-on-their-wyd-pilgrimage

WYD is the largest gathering of youth with the Pope. It is all at once a pilgrimage, celebration of youth, expression of the universal Church, and a powerful moment of evangelisation for the world of youth. There will be many moments of prayer, worship, and celebration!

St Agnes' Church Gospel Reflections 

Fr Paul Gooley is continuing to provide Gospel readings and reflections via email and online Monday to Saturday for those interested in connecting with their faith in this way.

Click to watch Fr Paul's Gospel Readings and Reflections.

St Agnes' Parish News Bulletin

Each week the Parish produces a news bulletin. In this week’s bulletin:

  • Season of Renewal - Visioning Day 28 May
  • National Volunteer Week Thank You event
  • Family groups celebrating 35 years
  • First Holy Communion masses 21 May
  • Gospel Reflection on the Law and love
  • Clergy Retreat 15-19 May
  • Fundraising for WYD 2023
  • Church choir loft reopened
  • Mass times

Click to read this week's Parish News Bulletin

Mr Matthew Bushe
Assistant Principal- Mission
Web Article SJRC in the Community Evangelisation Assistant Principal - Mission

Year 12 Retreat - An Unforgettable Experience

The Year 12 Retreat was a truly memorable event for our Year 12 students. Over the course of three days, they embarked on a journey of self-discovery, bonding, and personal growth.

Set against the backdrop of a serene natural environment, at the Francis Retreat Centre in Bonny Hills, the retreat provided a much-needed respite from the academic rigours of their final year. It offered a perfect opportunity for students to reflect on their journey, set goals, and foster lasting friendships before venturing into the next chapter of their lives.

The retreat program was carefully crafted to engage and inspire our students. Through a combination of team-building activities, workshops, and reflective exercises, they were challenged to step out of their comfort zones, explore their strengths, and identify areas for personal development.

Guided by experienced teachers, students delved into topics such as relationships, resilience, and goal-setting. They participated in thought-provoking discussions and activities, the lessons of which will serve them well beyond their high school years. I’d like to offer my gratitude and thanks to the stellar team of teachers who so willingly gave their time and talents in support of our students. Thank you to Shane Hyland, Matthew Bushe, Fiona Jensen, Gordon West, Steve Manning, Mahni Lewis, Dylan Sainsbury, Lisa Mahon, Anne Twomey, Jeremy Buckley, Kellie Croft, Sean Jennings and Emily Burg.

Feedback from students has been overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing gratitude for the opportunity to connect with peers on a deeper level and gain a fresh perspective on their future paths. The Year 12 Retreat undoubtedly left an indelible mark on their lives, empowering them to approach their final year with renewed motivation and a strengthened sense of purpose. Students were asked how the retreat may have impacted them. These are some of their responses:

  • “I am usually very nervous, but it encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone”
  • “I feel a lot closer to many of my peers”
  • “I now see people differently, as I know them personally rather than just as students in my year”
  • “I learned that everyone has their struggles and we are all in the same boat”
  • “100%. It made a major difference. I will forever see this group differently”
  • “I definitely feel we are more connected with each other. The sing-long on the second night was just carefree fun and we could let for and enjoy the moment”

My final thanks must of course, go to the wonderful group of Year 12 students who, as I often remind them, only ever get out of an experience what they are willing to invest; so, it’s thanks to Year 12, 2023 that these retreats were the memorable and enriching experiences that they were. I look forward to walking with you on the remaining part of your journey towards graduation and life beyond school.

Well done Year 12, you’re doing yourselves and your parents proud! 



Successful Transitions

We invite Year 12 students and their families to attend the Successful Transitions evening. This evening includes valuable information for school leavers. 


Ms Flanagan
Leader of Student Wellbeing Year 12

Web Article Year 12 Retreats & Reflection Days

Literacy Standards and Expectations Booklet

This week saw the launch of the Literacy Standards and Expectations booklet for Years 7-10 by Ms Marchment our Leader of Curriculum. This excellent resource that has been created through the hard work of Ms Marchment and Mrs Sarah McLeod our literacy coach, aims to support students in continually seeking to improve their understanding and application of core literacy skills.


As part of the launch, Ms Marchment emphasised that literacy is embedded in all subjects studied, not just English, and is fundamental to a student’s ability to read, write and communicate. To further illustrate the critical role literacy plays in a student's academic and vocational development, the following was communicated and highlighted at this week's assembly:

  • Literacy skills are vital.
  • The higher your literacy and communication skills, the better your chances are of being successful in life.
  • The more literate you are, the clearer your meanings are.
  • Literacy is the foundation of all communication, assessments, learning and life.
  • Both students in Years 7-10 and their families have been emailed an electronic copy of the resource (a link is provided in the following article)
  • Initially, Mrs McLeod the Literacy Coach, will be working with teachers in Years 7 and 9 to integrate some of the strategies into the coursework being covered in class.

Finally, Ms Marchment spoke of students' responsibilities and expectations in relation to the quality of work they present and the attention to continually enhancing their literacy skills:

  1. Organisational Standards - students are expected to produce a high standard of writing, whether it be writing in a workbook or on a device.
  2. Students are expected to maintain well-organised workbooks and devices, with work ordered sequentially.
  3. Students will apply Literacy Standards to their work as they compose it and refine it.

Year 11 2024 Transition program


Next week is the beginning of the transition program that will help support our Year 10 students as they reflect on which pathway is most applicable to their future aspirations. This program provides support to students in their decision-making.

As part of this process:

  • Year 10 will attend the Mid Coast Careers Market next Tuesday and then;
  • they will complete a unit of work in their PDHPE classes to help guide and support each student’s decision around the pathway for Years 11 and 12.
  • Later in the term, students will be given detailed Subject Information booklets from both the College and Newman Senior Technical College.
  • Early next term, Information Nights will be held for both schools (SJRC & NSTC) and Subject Information days.
  • Students will receive detailed information that will assist them in ensuring they choose the right subject, the right level and the right pathway.

Mr Ian Lutton
Assistant Principal- Learning and Teaching 

Web Article Literacy Enrichment Curriculum Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

Literacy Standards

I thank Mr Lutton for his introduction and overview of Literacy information shared with students at this week's assembly. As you are aware, St Joseph’s Regional College has recently launched Literacy Standards for students across all year groups. Literacy is of vital importance to students as they progress through school, but is also equally important in life. Indeed, we know that students who have high functioning literacy skills have more prosperous and rewarding careers and lives. Our aim is to improve the writing skills of our students, enhancing their academic success and supporting them in gaining a competitive edge when completing assessments through their use of this resource.

In an age of swift, digital communication and rapid technological advancements, literacy skills can be undermined and undervalued, presenting educators, students and parents with substantial challenges. Our Literacy Standards bring literacy to the forefront of the education of our students, supporting them to become effective communicators and enhancing their writing skills.

All families of students in Years 7-10 have received an email from the College with a link to the Literacy Standards booklet. We encourage you to download a copy of this resource to your desktop computer and have instructed students to do the same. As a parent or carer, you might direct your child to refine their writing using this resource, or encourage them to refer to this resource as they work on writing tasks. We believe this tool will be invaluable when students are completing assessment tasks and will lead to greater academic, personal and professional successes in literacy.

Thank you for your support in building literacy standards here at St Joseph’s Regional College.

Click on either the following links or cover images to download the
Stage 4 Year 7 & 8 or the Stage 5 Year 9 & 10
Literacy Standards and Expectations booklet

Warm regards,

Ian Lutton 
Assistant Principal
Learning and Teaching
Anne Marchment
Leader of Curriculum
Sarah McLeod
Literacy Coach
Year 10 Year 9 Year 8 Year 7 Literacy Enrichment Curriculum

Science and Engineering Challenge

A group of 30 talented students are being tested to the limit today at the inter school Science and Engineering Challenge at Melville High school. Competing in a variety of activities, the Years 9 and 10 students are demonstrating their tenacity as well as their critical and creative thinking skills. Challenges include bridge building, coding, robotics and much more. Our future mathematicians, scientists and engineers are having a wonderful day collaborating in their teams.


da Vinci Decathlon 2023

On Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th May, a grand total of 67 Years 7 to 11 students from SJRC travelled to St Columba Anglican School, Port Macquarie, for the Mid North Coast Regional da Vinci Decathlon. Throughout the day, students worked collaboratively to solve various challenges across a range of academic disciplines, including; Science, Creative Producers, English, Ideation, Mathematics, Engineering, Art and Poetry, Cartography, Code Breaking and Legacy.

Twenty-five teams from schools across the Mid North Coast were in attendance on the day and our students performed admirably. Some stand out achievements include:

  • The Year 11 teams scoring highly in Science, Art and Poetry, Engineering, Ideation, and English
  • The Year 10 team performing well in Ideation
  • The combined Years 9 and 10 team achieving great results in Engineering
  • The Year 7 team, in their first year were ranked 8th overall and 2nd highest Year 7 team on the day. They achieved excellent results across all disciplines, particularly Creative Producers, Art and Poetry, with an outstanding 2nd place in code breaking.
  • A special mention to our Year 8 team for submitting a high-scoring Art and Poetry response.

All of our students displayed exemplary behaviour and represented our school community with distinction. 

A special mention to Mrs Claire Goldie, Ms Kathryn Gill, Ms Bronte Mason and Mr George McLeod who assisted the teams on the day.

Student comments from the day:

I had an amazing time at da Vinci, and it was a great opportunity to learn something new.
-Year 9 student

da Vinci, this year was definitely the best year yet! I found the majority of our team worked really well with each other.
-Year 10 student

It was fun and a good day out, I really enjoyed the teamwork that happened between us!
Year 8 student

da Vinci was really good, I wish we brought more snacks, but it was fun, and I had a good time.
-Year 8 student

The da Vinci Decathlon was a very cooperative and supportive environment to work and thrive in. It was such an enjoyable academic challenge and it was fun to meet new people and work together as a team throughout the day.
-Year 7 student


Mrs Amanda Cassegrain
Leader of High Potential Learners

Web Article High Potential Learners

Maritime Careers Information Evening

Parents and students are invited to attend a Maritime Careers Information Evening being held on Monday, 29th May at 5.30pm at the Settler’s Inn in Port Macquarie. Brendan Sinnamon, the Student Recruitment Coordinator from Australian Maritime College (AMC) will be hosting the evening. 

This is a fantastic opportunity to make links between the College and the courses and facilities offered by the AMC. 

Registration your attendance at the evening here: https://bit.ly/maritime-futures


Mr Phil Pares
Leader of TAS


Supporting children to have a better in-game experience
Getting the most out of gaming

This 45-minute webinar provides families with strategies for supporting children and young people to have safe, positive experiences when playing games online. It is designed for parents and carers of children aged 7 to 14.

It will cover:

  • when gaming can be beneficial and strategies to promote better in-game experiences
  • how to keep children safe online – using safety and privacy settings in games and platforms
  • strategies to promote more balanced gaming and how to create smoother transitions from game-play to other activities
  • the key online risks and where to find help for things like bullying and harassment in games.

Tuesday, 23 May 2023 7:30pm - 8:15pm

Register here


Mrs Jennifer Furney
Assistant Principal- Pastoral Care

Assistant Principal - Pastoral Student Welfare

This week's Alumni is Taylor Seargant, Class of 2018

Taylor Sargeant from the Class of 2018 has forged a pathway in Education to now teaching full-time as a secondary Mathematics and Health & PE teacher. Congratulations Taylor!
#aaHSC4opportunity #wherearetheynow

Volunteers Wanted


We cannot run the canteen without you; as the saying goes:

"Many Hands Make Light Work".

If you are able to spare an hour or so of your time, we would
love for you to join us.

Please contact Breeanna Stone through the College Office on 5525 4100.

Weekly Lunch Specials
Term 2 Week 5 Lunch Specials 
Monday Tandoori Chicken & Rice
Tuesday Beef & Bacon Burger
Wednesday Chicken Pesto Pasta
Thursday Beef Nachos
Friday Chicken Caesar Salad Bowls
Term 2 Week 6 Lunch Specials 
Monday Spaghetti Bolognese
Tuesday Hawaiian Chicken Burger
Wednesday Honey Soy Wings & Fried Rice
Thursday Butter Chicken & Rice
Friday Meatball Subs

The Canteen opens at 8.00 am every school day.

CLICK HERE for the Canteen's everyday menu.

Breeanna Stone
Food Services Manager


St Joseph's Regional College has a number of different social media platforms. We would love for you to follow us.

Facebook logo.jpg
Twitter logo.jpg

St Joseph's Regional College

Website - https://www.pmreglism.catholic.edu.au/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SJRCPort

Instagram - @sjrcport

St Joseph's Regional College - 50 year Celebrations

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SJRC50years

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sjr50years/

Digital Ministry

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sjrcdigitalministry


Website - https://pmreglism.libguides.com/home

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sjrcexchange

Instagram - Instagram - @sjrcexchange


Website - https://www.sjrcportcareers.com/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sjrcportcareers

Administration News

The Hastings Education Fund was established to provide much needed financial assistance and support to local youth to help them achieve their post high school education, training and vocation aspirations. We recognise that the cost of regional students pursuing their post high school goals is often much greater than those of their metropolitan counterparts and that sometimes these costs can be prohibitive.

With this in mind, the Hastings Education Fund fundraises throughout the year and accepts donations from local residents and businesses in order to provide financial grants to students who need an extra helping hand. The funds come directly from your local community – none of it is government funded – celebrating the aspirations of local youth and working to help them achieve these aspirations. It’s our way of saying “we believe in you and want to support your goals.”

Each year the Hastings Education Fund arrange a charity golf day at the Port Macquarie Golf Club on Sunday the 4th June. For further information, please see the flyer below or visit their website https://cef.org.au/foundations/hastings/ or their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/hastingseducationfund


MND Awareness Fun Day

Wauchope Country Club is hosting a MND awareness fun day on Siunday, 28th May 2023. The aim of the day is to raise awareness of MND and support local police officer Tim Egger, who was recently diagnosed with MND (Motor Neuron's Disease).

This event is supported by Police Legacy. Donations are also welcomed via the following link: NSW Police Legacy - Campaign - Timothy Eggert Appeal (policelegacynsw.org.au)

Lights & Sirens Ball
We have some exciting news! Camden Haven First Responders Challenge are hosting a Lights and Sirens Ball to raise funds for Mental Health Awareness. The funds will be shared between SES, RFS, Marine Rescue and Fortum Australia in the Camden Haven.
Link below to book tickets. https://lusc.sales.ticketsearch.com/sales/salesevent/108341

Coastline is running a FREE "Feeding the Family" seminar for parents and carers.  

The seminar will be delivered by Belinda Smith from The Root Cause, one of Australia's leading independent voices in children's health.

The research shows that healthy eating has a direct correlation to children's behaviours and their ability to focus and learn in the classroom.



1st Port Macquarie Sea Scouts are celebrating 90 years of Community Service in Port Macquarie. All ages are welcome to attend our 90th Birthday Celebration so come along and join in the festivities and try your hand at some of our challenging activities.

Sea Scouts do all the same activities that regular Scout groups do with an additional focus on maritime safety, skills and development.

We cater to all ages between 5 to 18 years and each separate age group meets once per week after school to undertake a variety of age relevant activities.

Enquiries can be mailed to; groupleader@1stportmacquarieseascouts.com


Community News