Term 3 Week 2 - 28th July 2023

Year 11 2024 Information Evening

On Monday 24th July Year 10 students and their families attended the Year 11 2024 Information Evening.  Special thanks to Mr Ian Lutton, Ms Anne Marchment, and Ms Heidi Flanagan for their presentations, and Leaders of Learning for providing additional advice to enable a smooth transition into senior school at St Joseph’s Regional College.

Students will now attend a Subject Information Session on Monday 31st July followed by Interviews in the College Library on Wednesday 2nd August.

Save the Date Parent Teacher Interviews 


On Monday 21st August Year 7 to 12 Parent Teacher Interviews will be held in the College Hall from 4 pm to 7 pm. Please ensure that you have downloaded the Compass App as bookings will be made in Compass!

Compass - Student Absences

The easiest and most streamlined way to complete absentee notes in Compass is to wait until you receive the notification on the day your child is away. This way, you simply click on the link and it takes you straight to a very simple form that is easily completed on your phone or mobile device. Earlier notification is possible, however, involves a more time consuming seven-step process:

- Click on 'More'
- Click on 'Open in Browser'
- Click on 'Add Attendance Note'
- Click on green plus sign 'Add'
- Click on 'Attendance Note'
- Enter all necessary details
- Click 'Save'

We ask that parents do not add absentee notes for partial absences. We will keep with the normal sign in/sign out process at the front office, when students arrive late or are collected early.

Compass - Making payment and providing consent for events

Please see the video below for instructions on how to pay and consent for events.


2023 Non-Government Schools Census Collection Notice

The Australian Government Department of Education (the department) would like to advise all staff, parents and guardians that it will collect certain information about your school, its staff and student body as part of the 2023 Non-Government School Census collection (the Census).


Principal's Message Year 11 Award Ceremonies Administration News

Year 7-10 Awards Ceremony

On Wednesday we celebrated and acknowledged excellence in academic achievements of students from Years 7-10. Congratulations to all students for their efforts so far this year. Occasions such as today, present students with an opportunity to reflect on their personal academic goals, and I would encourage all students to set new goals for Semester Two. As a College community, we will continue to set goals that challenge our students, both academically and interpersonal, to achieve their personal best and to reflect on how they are able to serve others.

I would like to thank the staff involved for their organisation and for ensuring the Year 7-10 Semester One Awards Ceremony was a huge success. While I understand, that not all families are able to attend College events; I would like to acknowledge and thank the many parents who were able to attend the ceremonies. It was certainly lovely to have your presence at our College.

Outstanding Achievement (Gold)

To receive an Outstanding Achievement Award, students in their respective years must have received:

Six or more Excellence and Application Awards in Years 7, 8
Five or more Excellence and Application Awards in Years 9, 10

Congratulations to the Outstanding Achievement Award recipients:

Laya Maria Abraham
India Addison
Miley Ashcroft
Akir Baird-Philp
Eliza Bajt
Fynn Barratt
Jasmine Bi
Aaron Joseph Biju
Ava Cole
Emily Cook
Kieran Copeland
Elkie Croft
Esther Cummins

Maya Curtis
Isla Dalton
Tahnee Dimon
Samuel Duff
Alyssa Eggins
Matilda Ewart
Grace Field
Hayden Forster
Kallin Furlong
Cassandra Hill
Tallowa Hill
Grace Keena

Georgina Keogh
Elijah Koivu
Oliver Koivu
Noah Langdon
Erin Little
Tahlia McIlveen
Siya Modi
Kiara Newman
Sophie Pynaert
Evan Rowe
Matilda Shields
Louisa Smith
Phoebe Stubbs
Jaina Thakrani

Outstanding Application

To receive an Outstanding Application Award, students in their respective years must have received:

Eight or more Application Awards in Years 7, 8
Seven or more Application Awards in Years 9, 10

Congratulations to the Outstanding Application Award recipients:

Ellah Armitage
Halle Armitage
Layla Armstrong
Hayley Austin
Imogen Baker
Sheridan Barker
Lacey-Rose Barnes
Matisse Bayly
Nevaeh Bayly
Sophie Bentley
Mila Bi
Dane Bittu
Hayley Blackwell
Ethan Bouldin
Helayna Butler
Matias Cervenka
Bonnie Clark
Matilda Coleman
Lily Cook
Zoe Cooke
Jackson Cooper
Sophie Cooper
Willa Corless-Brown
Finn Crawford
Evie Curtis
Lachlan Ding
Glynnie Mae Domingo
Nate Downing
Charlotte Ducker
Rebecca Ebrole
Imogen Elliott
Alexandra Ellis
Miller Farrington
Sarah Fiorenza
Sydney Forsyth
Eva Francis
Matthew Friend
Lucinda Giurissevich
Obi Glover
Bryce Handley
Storm Hardy
Aida Harris
Bailey Harris

Jayden Harvey
Amaya Hayden
Anastasia Heffernan
James Hiam
Joshua Hiam
Abbey Hickey
Anabelle Hicks
Jacob Hill
Joel Holbert
Teleah Holbert
Charlotte Hollingsworth
Jayden Holmes
Hayley Honeysett
Willow Houston
Mia Howell
Abbie Hudson
Paige Hudson
Brooke Instrell
Ciana Jones
Rhys Jones
Sophie Kahler
William Keena
Lauren Kelly
Matthew Kelly
Summer Kelly
Phoenix Kitching
Bella Lahey
Ruby Lambert
Charlize Leicht
Addison Leyds
Zoey Lovett
Murphy Maher
Sophie Marchment
Clayton McCarthy
Henry McInherney-Nash
Isabelle Moane
Lucee Monck
Sienna Monk
Imogen Mulligan
Montana Newell
Thomas Newman
Matthew Nicola
Jayla Nixon
Ava Nowlan

Alissa Ostler
Ruby Paynting
Maeve Pepper
Christie Preston
Savanna Purcell
Emmalee Purnell
Ruby Redman
Finn Reeve
Lauren Reeves
Darcy Richards
Evie-May Riske
Riley Robinson
Hayley Russell
Isabella Russell
Kiara Ryan
Khussh Sachan
Charlotte Skellern
Jet Slattery
Alicia Smith
Charlie Smith
Koby Stewart
Zoe Swan
Isabella Tape
Cooper Taylor
Hriday Thakrani
Bailee Todd
Max Troth
Kaley Troy
Tahlia Van Den Boom
Janisa Vinod
Haylee Vos
Felix Wade
Araminta Walker
Annabella Walsh
Jamieson Walsh
Jorjah Warwick
Cooper Watts
Tora Wehlow
Sophie Wheatley
Phoebe White
Abigail Whitehair
Ardiena Willott
Aysha Wilson

Community Service Awards

Awarded to students who have achieved 10 or more hours of Community Service work. Congratulations to the following recipients of a Community Service award.
Isaac Angland
Eliza Bajt
Peyton Berry
Emilijana Bosnjak
Chelsea Bradshaw
Danica Bridgeland
Kiarna Burns
Zack Cato
Kayden Cook
Jazmin Cooke
Ashton Cooper
Isla Dalton
Abbey Delforce
Jack Duff
Samuel Duff
Lilly Fraser
Rae Venice Gaviola

Bronte Gawith
Sharni Graham
Paige Haleblian
Hugh Hayward
Ella Herbert
Sophie Holmes
Jorja Hurrell
Adam Jennings
Grace Keena
Jack Kirk
Joshua Kobelke
Elijah Koivu
Oliver Koivu
Alexis Lambert
Charlee Maher
Ella Martin
Airlia Matthews
Nina McGahey
Brinkley McHugh
Taj Mervyn-Jones
Lucinda Murphy
Lilien Nguyen
Zali Roberts
Archie Robertson
Zoe Scott-Branagan
Ellie Seymour
Matilda Shields
Isabella Skinner
Alannah Steele
Hannah Thompson
Summer Tilston
Emily Walsh
Ioan Williams
Connor Wilson


Year 11 2024 Enrolment Information

Next week is an important week in our Year 10 students transition into senior school either at St Joseph’s Regional College or Newman Senior Technical College. Students who intend to continue their studies at SJRC in Year 11 will have a subject information day on Monday 31st July. On this day students will attend information sessions for those subjects they intend studying in years 11 and 12. If a student is unsure about whether to continue Year 11 at SJRC or Newman in 2024 then they are strongly advised to attend the information day to help guide their decision making as to where they will complete their HSC over the next two years. Students who intend enrolling in Newman Senior Technical College in 2024 do not need to attend school on this day. Following this, interviews for Year 2024 will be conducted at St Joseph’s Regional College on Wednesday 2nd August in the College Library. Parents are reminded to book an interview if they have not already done so, the details are listed below.



Year 7 and 9 Naplan results arrived at the College this week. These reports will be sent home with your child on Monday 31st July in a sealed envelope. A copy of the information letter provided to families is attached below.

Year 12 Trial HSC exams

Good luck to our Year 12 students who commence their Trial HSC exams on Monday 31st July. It has been very pleasing to see many Year 12 students take advantage of the extended hours in ‘Food for Thought’ after school and also the subject seminars that ran this week. Year 12 are reminded that the Trial exams are more than just an exam block and will be critical in helping to identify gaps in their skills and knowledge, that will be a core focus in the post-trial exam period when they prepare for the HSC exams. A reminder that if at any stage over the next two weeks a student is unable to attend their exam due to illness or misadventure, the College Office needs to be notified as soon as possible and ideally and email sent to Ms Marchment - Leader of Curriculum at anne.marchment@lism.catholic.edu.au

Upcoming Events

Staff Development Day Monday 7th August

Families are reminded that Monday 7th August is a designated Staff Development Day. On this day students are not required to attend school and normal classes will not operate. Year 12 students Trial HSC exams, will continue as normal and the Senior Study Centre will operate during the day. The aim of this day is to facilitate the implementation of a large number of new syllabi being introduced in 2024 across Years 7-11.

Year 9 2024 (current Year 8 students) Educational Pathway Information Evening Monday 14th August 6:00pm

Year 9 is a significant milestone in a student’s academic progress in high school. This is the beginning of a student making subject decisions that will impact their Stage 6 pathway and university options post-secondary schooling. Next year will also see the implementation of a number of significant curriculum changes in the core subjects of English and Mathematics. To support students and parents during this period of change, an information evening will be held in the College Hall on Monday 14th August at 6.00 pm. During this evening the impact of the changes in English and Mathematics will be outlined and additional information regarding elective choices and future pathway options will also be outlined. Further information will be communicated with Year 8 families over the next few weeks.

Mr Ian Lutton
Assistant Principal- Learning and Teaching 
Award Ceremonies Curriculum Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

Pastoral Care

It has been a very positive and dynamic start to Semester 2 at our College. Significant school events are so important for our students in anchoring them to their school community. Our students participated with enthusiasm in the Athletics Carnival on Tuesday of last week and then had the opportunity to be recognised for Semester 1 efforts and application during our Awards Ceremony on Wednesday of this week. Our Year 8 and 9 students have also enjoyed their Spirituality Days this week. Thank you to the many staff who work so hard to bring these experiences to life for our students.


A reminder that special events such as Athletics Carnivals are subject to the same attendance requirements as every other school day. Even if the event on offer may not be of particular interest to your child, it absolutely forms part of their holistic experiences as a student of SJRC and provides valuable time to connect with their peers and teachers away from the usual learning routines.

Term_3_Wk_2.pngEarlier this week, all parents and carers of Year 7 students received email information relating to an app called “W App (Slay)”. Information about this app can be accessed via the eSafety Commissioner at THIS LINK. We encourage all parents to discuss the “W App (Slay)” with your child as part of a broader conversation around online safety and engaging with care and kindness in the online world. Parents may also find of interest FREE UP COMING WEBINARS entitled “ESafety 101” designed for parents and carers of primary and secondary aged students.

As always, if you feel we can provide additional wellbeing information or support for your child at school, please get in touch with their Leader of Student Wellbeing.

Mrs Jennifer Furney
Assistant Principal- Pastoral Care

Assistant Principal - Pastoral Student Welfare

Year 8 & 9 Reflection Days

On Thursday and Friday this week, Year 8 and 9 students participated in their Reflection Day facilitated by the dedicated Passionist Youth Team. The Reflection Day provided a sacred space for our students to think about their individual journeys with the analogy of the emotional rope and the masks we wear. Some of the games challenged students to step out of their comfort zone by learning to communicate and develop as a team outside their normal friendship groups.

    Prayer for Year 12 students

    Lord, we pray for our Year 12 students as they commence their trial exams. You alone know how we all may have experienced similar times with a sense of loneliness, challenge, anxiety and stress.

    Reach out and touch the hearts and minds of students with a sense that you are with them; with confidence to face the challenge; and with the realisation that their anxiety and stress can be a positive energy in their pursuit of excellence.

    Give them insight to understand what they have studied and help them to remember it when the time comes.

    Help them to keep in perspective the many gifts and talents you have already given them so that they may use them for the greater honour and glory of God.


    St Agnes' Church Gospel Reflections 

    Fr Paul Gooley is continuing to provide Gospel readings and reflections via email and online Monday to Saturday for those interested in connecting with their faith in this way.

    Click to watch Fr Paul's Gospel Readings and Reflections.

    St Agnes' Parish News Bulletin

    Each week the Parish produces a news bulletin. In this week’s bulletin:

    • An update from the Parish
    • World Day for Grandparents and Elderly
    • St Agnes' Foundation Raffle
    • 'Welkam' to the PALM Scheme
    • Mass times and more!

    Click to read this week's Parish News Bulletin

    Matthew Bushe
    Assistant Principal- Mission
    Web Article Evangelisation Retreats & Reflection Days Assistant Principal - Mission


    Join us on our SAPSS Vinnie's Winter Sleepout. This is an overnight experience learning about homelessness in games, activities and talks whilst also encountering what it is like sleeping rough. This is a really fun and eye-opening opportunity. If you would like to be a part of this please come and see us to sign up and we will add your name to the list.


    If you would like to donate towards our SleepOut please scan the QR code which will  take you to the link enabling you to donate. All proceeds will go directly to Vinnie's. It only takes a minute, and any amount you can give (no matter how large or small) will go a long way in helping us reach our target. Thank you, we really appreciate your support.

    Where: Newman College
    When: 28th July @ 6pm
    Who: All Students from MacKillop, Newman or Regional are welcome!!


    Mr Shane Hyland
    Leader of Evangelisation
      featured image

    19th July 2021

    The Diocesan Athletics Carnival is to be held on Wednesday the 23rd of August (Week 6) at Coffs Harbour C.Ex. International Stadium.  St. Joseph’s Regional College will be taking a sizable squad to the day, which is a selection trial for the Lismore Diocesan Team to compete at the NSW Catholic Combined Colleges Carnival at Homebush in Sydney on Friday the 11th of September.

    The link below lists those students who have qualified and for what events.  A consent form will be sent to parents and students via Compass with information about this excursion by the end of week 3.  It is a day trip leaving at 6am and returning at 6pm. It is not a compulsory excursion.

    The top 2 competitors in each event qualified.  The triple jump is held over two age divisions, 15 and under and 16 and over.

    The 1500m walk and hurdles are not run at this event but are at the NSWCCC Carnival.  If you would like to apply for a place in these fields please use the links below.

    Congratulations to all students who made the squad.

    2023 SJRC Athletics Squad

    2023 CCC Hurdles Nomination Form

    2023 CCC 1500m Walk Nomination Form

    Damien Kelly
    Leader of Sport

    23rd July 2023

    Athletics Web Article sports_article

    HSC Showcase

    The HSC Showcase is a night held for family and friends of our 2023 Year 12 students to see their hard work displayed and performed. Keep an eye on our Facebook page as tickets go on sale Monday the 31st July!


    Midcoast CareerQuip 2023

    This week, Year 11 students travelled to Taree for the Mid Coast CareerQuip 2023. This Expo is packed with exhibitors and providers, giving students an amazing opportunity to access a broad range of career and occupational information 'under one roof'. Exhibitors included tertiary education providers, government departments, local apprenticeship and traineeship facilitators, student support services, and more. The students who attended were enthusiastic in their approach, and we congratulate them on being great ambassadors for St Joseph's Regional College.


    University Ambassador Visit

    Thankyou to Alex and Grace, student ambassadors for The University of Newcastle, Australia who visited last week and addressed a large group of Year 11 and 12 students about a range of relevant issues - courses, entry pathways, application process, uni life, living away from home, finance and scholarships, and more.


    Web Article Careers

    This week's Alumni is Brianna Ducker, Class of 2022

    Recently, former student Brianna Ducker's story was featured on the University of Sydney's website, and you can read it in its entirety here. As a rural student who was severely impacted by the catastrophic floods of 2021, Brianna's resourcefulness in accessing scholarship and other support has seen her transition to Sydney to study to become a vet. Our students are encouraged to seek out and apply for scholarships, and Brianna's journey is proof that spending some time on this can result in favourable outcomes that make a difference.

    Congratulations Brianna!

    #aHSC4opportunity #wherearetheynow #veterinarian


    St Agnes' Parish Rock Youth Group

    Digging a hole with a teaspoon is not much fun.
    The Old Testament has some strange stories which make it difficult to read when you don’t have the right tools.

    Come along to Rock Youth Group this Sunday to get the right tools!

    • St Agnes Parish Hall
    • Sunday the 30th of July, from 6-8pm
    • $5 for dinner

    Not sure how to get there?
    Go down the main entrance of St Agnes’ Church in Hay Street, then follow the Leo’s Lane pathway and signage to the Parish Hall.
    Or, head into the carpark up the hill from KFC on Hayward street!


    Volunteers Wanted


    We cannot run the canteen without you; as the saying goes:

    "Many Hands Make Light Work".

    If you are able to spare an hour or so of your time, we would
    love for you to join us.

    Please contact Breeanna Stone through the College Office on 5525 4100.

    Weekly Lunch Specials
    Term 3 Week 3 Lunch Specials 
    Monday Spaghetti Bolognese
    Tuesday Honey Soy Chicken Wings & Fried Rice
    Wednesday Bacon & Cheese Stuffed Potatoes
    Thursday Beef & Gravy Roll
    Friday Chicken Pumpkin feta & Macadamia Salad
    Term 3 Week 4 Lunch Specials 
    Monday Pupil Free Day
    Tuesday Tuscan Chicken wings & Pasta Salad
    Wednesday Tandoori Chicken & Slice
    Thursday Cheese or Meatlovers Pizza
    Friday Baked Dinner

    The Canteen opens at 8.00 am every school day.

    CLICK HERE for the Canteen's everyday menu.

    Breeanna Stone
    Food Services Manager


    St Joseph's Regional College has a number of different social media platforms. We would love for you to follow us.

    Facebook logo.jpg
    Twitter logo.jpg

    St Joseph's Regional College

    Website - https://www.pmreglism.catholic.edu.au/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SJRCPort

    Instagram - @sjrcport

    St Joseph's Regional College - 50 year Celebrations

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SJRC50years

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sjr50years/

    Digital Ministry

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sjrcdigitalministry


    Website - https://pmreglism.libguides.com/home

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sjrcexchange

    Instagram - Instagram - @sjrcexchange


    Website - https://www.sjrcportcareers.com/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sjrcportcareers

    Administration News