SJRC Newsletter: Term 2 Week 4 - 24th May 2024

Pupil Free Day

Friday 31st May - Proclaim Staff Day


On Friday 31st May, all Catholic Schools in the Hastings area will be closed as all staff are attending an important event, Proclaim 2024.
Proclaim, is an initiative of the Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools launched over a decade ago and has been instrumental in fostering vibrant Catholic communities within our schools. It began by prioritising the New Evangelization in 2013, followed by a focus on our Catholic vocation to work and teach in 2017. In 2019, it emphasised that all are welcome and called to discipleship. Proclaim 2024 marks a significant day for all school staff across the Lismore Diocese as we renew our commitment to advancing the Gospel in our schools.

Year 12 Leadership Morning Tea 

Mrs Croft and I had the privilege to attend the Student Leaders morning at St Columba Anglican School with our Leaders; Alaska Webber, Jamie Vinod, Aryan Vaishnav and Maisy Taylor. The leaders had the opportunity to listen to Mr Pat Conaghan, Mrs Leslie Williams and a Representative from Port Macquarie Hastings Council on their experiences in leadership and representing our local area. Student leaders were then given the opportunity to ask questions regarding local matters. The leadership morning initiative aims to create greater links and communication between schools and the various levels of government.

We thank St Columba for hosting this informative event.


World's Greatest Shave

On Wednesday, Year 12 student Tom Jenkins took part in the world's Greatest Shave to raise money and awareness for the Luekemia Foundation. He doubled his goal and raised over $1400. Tom said "It is a way for him to show his support for the 53 Australians who are diagnosed with blood cancer per day." Tom's initiative serves as a reminder of the power of individual action in creating positive change within our community and beyond. His selfless act of fundraising not only raises crucial funds for research and support but also raises awareness about the challenges faced by those battling blood cancer.

School Improvement Review Gratitude

My sincere thanks to all staff, parents and students who participated in conversations with the School Improvement Review team last week. We received our draft feedback on Friday afternoon. The report contains many commendations and affirmations for the great work our leaders and staff do to meet the learning and wellbeing needs of our students. The report also contains some recommendations to assist with the development of our next 3 year strategic improvement plan.

Mrs Tanya Daley
Principal's Message Student Leadership Team Pupil Free Day

Pentecost and now to Ordinary Time

Last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday. In many ways, that feast day can be considered the birthday of the Church. Before Pentecost, the Disciples of Jesus were just a group of people who had spent around three years learning from their leader. Not long before Pentecost and just before Jesus ascended to heaven, he gave them clear instructions to stay in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came. Jesus said: “Do not leave Jerusalem but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptised with water, but in a few days you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1: 4-5)

They remained in Jerusalem, in the upper room, where they shared Jesus’ last supper at the Jewish Passover. For Jesus’ followers, there was a great deal of fear because their Teacher had been brutally and publicly killed and they believed that they were next. However, they continued to pray and even chose an Apostle to replace Judas. Then on the day of Pentecost, everything changed: “They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them” (Acts 2: 3-4).

After this experience the Disciples had a renewed sense of Mission to obey Jesus' command to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28: 19-20).

The Holy Spirit empowers us to fulfill this mission more than 2000 years later. Catholic schools exist for this very same Mission.

We pray:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful
and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created,
and you shall renew the face of the earth.

In the Catholic Church’s calendar, Pentecost brings an end to the Easter Season so we move into Ordinary Time. Ordinary Time is the longest season in the Church’s year. It is divided into two sections; one short and the other very long. The weeks between Christmas and Lent are the shorter part of Ordinary Time while the weeks between Pentecost and the Advent season form the long stretch. The word ‘ordinary’ comes from the word ordinal which means ‘counted’. Each week is known by a number, e.g. the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. This season celebrates Jesus’ teaching and ministry. It gives us time to reflect on how we live as Christians. Its Liturgical colour is green.

World Children’s Day - A message from Pope Francis
“Behold, I make all things new” (Revelation 21:5)

For the first time, Pope Francis has introduced World Children’s Day, which occurs this year on the 25th and 26th of May. I’m sure that like me, parents’ first thoughts may have been, “But isn’t every day Children’s Day?” Pope Francis has written a letter to all children every - which is being delivered in Catholic communities across the globe. Here is a link to the letter as it was presented in his local Archdiocese Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome, back in March.

Pope Francis’ message is far more noble and global than my first thoughts. In his letter, he explains to children: “You remind us that we are all children, brothers and sisters. We would not be alive unless others brought us into this world, nor could we T2Wk4_Childrens_Day.pnggrow without having others to love and from whom to receive love (cf. Fratelli Tutti, 95)”.

The theme Pope Francis selected for this first World Children’s Day is “Behold I make all things new” (Revelation 21:5). He outlines that those words encourage us to “become as clever as children in grasping the new realities stirred up by the Spirit, both within us and around us.” Echoing his Encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti, Francis speaks of the renewal of our human family and how we can work for a “more fraternal society” that strives to look after our common home, earth. This begins with small but significant things like manners.

Pope Francis encourages children and adults to pray - a lot and every day. Knowing the heart of God requires that we communicate with God. Prayer is the secret to joy: “If we really want to be happy, we need to pray, to pray a lot, to pray every day, because prayer connects us directly to God. Prayer fills our hearts with light and warmth; it helps us to do everything with confidence and peace of mind.” Jesus spent a lot of time praying and taught his followers to pray.

In the Words of the Holy Father:

Together with the Most Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, let us pray in these words:

Come, Holy Spirit,
show us your beauty,
reflected in the faces
of children all over the world.
Come, Jesus,
you who make all things new,
who are the way that leads us to the Father,
come and remain with us always.

National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week


National Sorry Day is on Sunday 26th of May. This is a day on the Australian calendar set aside to recognise the strength of the Stolen Generation survivors. It helps us to focus on how we all play a part in the healing process for our First Nations People and the whole nation. The first National Sorry Day was held on the 26th of May in 1998, a year after the Bringing Them Home report was presented to Parliament. This report came after an Inquiry into past policies that caused children to be removed from their families and communities during the 20th century. Even in 2024, First Nations families continued to feel the trauma of this dark period in Australia’s history. During this week, it would be helpful for us as a College community to be aware of the events of the past and to consider how our daily interaction with each other can heal or harm. Let’s act in ways that heal relationships as we walk together with mutual respect and hope.

Beginning with National Sorry Day on Sunday, Week 5 is National Reconciliation Week. It is a significant week for the nation where we focus on our journey of healing for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples, for the benefit of all Australians.

Reconciliation Week at SJRC - 27th May to 3rd June

During the week our Aboriginal Students and Staff will offer activities that all students and staff can take up. These include:

  • Raffle of sports equipment: tickets are sold at recess daily with the draw occurring at our Week 6 assembly
  • Sea of Hands activities building a display throughout the week near our Yarning Circle
  • Reconciliation Week Library activities on Monday at lunch
  • Sausages and drinks on Tuesday: Drinks $2 and Sausage Sandwiches $3
  • Reconciliation Week Walk: Walking Together around the grounds in solidarity on Wednesday at lunch past the Sea of Hands


St Agnes' Church Gospel Reflections 

Fr Paul Gooley is continuing to provide Gospel readings and reflections via email and online Monday to Saturday for those interested in connecting with their faith in this way.

Click to watch Fr Paul's Gospel Readings and Reflections.

St Agnes' Parish News Bulletin

The Parish news bulletin is produced weekly. In this week's bulletin:

  • A reflection on The Holy Spirit
  • Volunteer Sunday
  • Parish Pastoral Plan
  • Emmaus Village Open Day
  • Pentecost Sunday
  • Baptism Information Sessions
  • Encounter Youth

The latest edition is available via this link Parish News Bulletin

Mr Matthew Bushe
Assistant Principal- Mission
Evangelisation Assistant Principal - Mission

Year 7-10 Awards Ceremony

On Wednesday, we celebrated and acknowledged the excellence of students from Years 7-10 in their academic achievements. Congratulations to all students for their efforts so far this year. Occasions such as today allow students to reflect on their personal academic goals, and I would encourage all students to set new goals for Semester Two. As a College community, we will continue to set goals that challenge our students, both academically and interpersonally, to achieve their personal best and to reflect on how they are able to serve others.

I would like to thank the staff involved for their organisation and for ensuring the Year 7-10 Semester One Awards Ceremony was a huge success. While I understand that not all families are able to attend College events, I would like to acknowledge and thank the many parents who were able to attend the ceremonies. It was certainly lovely to have your presence at our College.

Outstanding Application and Achievement (Gold)

To receive an Outstanding Application and Achievement Award, students in their respective years must have received:

Six or more Excellence and Application Awards in Years 7, 8
Five or more Excellence and Application Awards in Years 9, 10

Congratulations to the Outstanding Achievement Award recipients:

Outstanding Application

To receive an Outstanding Application Award, students in their respective years must have received:

Eight or more Application Awards in Years 7, 8
Seven or more Application Awards in Years 9, 10

Congratulations to the Outstanding Application Award recipients:

Community Service Awards

Awarded to students who have achieved 10 or more hours of Community Service work. Congratulations to the following recipients of a Community Service award.

Mr Ian Lutton
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

Year 10 Year 9 Year 8 Year 7 Curriculum Awards Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

“Tell Them From Me” Survey Friendly Reminder 

Thank you to all parents who have already completed the "Tell Them From Me Survey". All parents are warmly invited to complete our annual survey, the platform is easy to navigate, with the survey taking around 15 minutes to complete. Students and staff also complete a version of the survey. Data and feedback from the survey responses are analysed to inform decision-making and to shape our school improvement focus. We encourage all parents to please take the time to complete the survey so the feedback is as comprehensive as possible. As parents are such a vital part of our school community and play such a key role in their children’s education, we really value parent voices and want to ensure we capture as many parent experiences of our school as possible. Please click the link below to access the survey:

Jennifer Furney
Assistant Principal - Pastoral Care

Assistant Principal - Pastoral Student Welfare

Emmaus Village

St Agnes’ Catholic Parish is hosting an ‘Open Day’ at the new Emmaus Village (co-located with Emmaus Home at 16 Colonel Barney Drive, Port Macquarie) on Saturday 1 June, 10:00am-2:00pm.

There’ll be info sessions, tours, stalls, live performances, face painting for the kids, sausage sizzle, and more - the onsite café ‘Breaking Bread Café’ will also be open for those who love a good coffee. Everyone is welcome to come along to join in the Open Day celebrations.

Find out more by joining the event page or visiting the Emmaus Village website

St Agnes' Parish News

The Encounter Youth Program is on every Friday at the Youth Hub.  Come along and join in the fun.

When: Every Friday
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Where: @ The Youth Hub
Cost: $5 for dinner

Friday 24th May: Calling All Saints

Ready to embrace your inner calling? Join us on a journey of discovery at Youth Group this Friday, where we're diving deep into the truth that we're all called to be saints. Let’s unlock our unique gifts and talents, and together, let's spread the light of the Gospel.


Encounter Kick-on’s (Sunday’s after the 5pm Mass)

This week we’re launching Encounter Kick-on’s. Now that we’ve moved the Youth Group to Friday nights, we want to ensure that there is a space for the youth who once could make the Sunday night Encounter, to have fun and fellowship. Each Sunday after the 5pm Youth Mass there will be a large group game for all young people and some form of supper. 


Zac Parnell

Youth Coordinator
St Agnes' Catholic Parish
49 Hay Street, Port Macquarie NSW 2444
T 02 6588 7444

St Agnes' Parish News Evangelisation


The Mid Coast Careers Market was a fun and interactive, hands-on expo for Year 10, held at the Racecourse on Tuesday 21st May 2024.

Year 10 students were able to discuss their future career options with local businesses, industry representatives and a variety of university and other training providers and receive up-to-the-minute, relevant information. Talking to people who already work in their field of interest enabled Year 10 to learn about training and study pathways first-hand. They found out what types of positions are available, how to get them and which growth areas can provide sustainable employment.

Students also had the opportunity to interact with support services with the capabilities to foster and guide them in their quest for their chosen career. All exhibitors encouraged students to be involved by their highly interactive and entertaining displays and contributed to the fun and energetic atmosphere and success of the day.

Year 10 are to be congratulated on their exemplary behaviour, I was very proud to be involved with Year 10 who were wonderful ambassadors of SJRC.

Many thanks to Mid Coast Connect for their brilliant organisation of the day – the many hours of organisation was evident in the smooth running of the event.

University of Newcastle - Law Student For A Day

Year 12 students Olivia Moore, Charlotte Shee, Zoe Copeland and Lauren Johnston spent Wednesday the 22nd May at the University of Newcastle to experience being a Law Student for a day. They participated in tours of the campus, lectures, mock trials and a criminology session to gain an idea of what it would be like studying a Bachelor of Law at the University of Newcastle.

We are very proud of these 4 students and the excellent ambassadors that they are for our College. Well done, 4 future lawyers in our class of 2024!


Save the Date Year 12

Year 12 students and parents/caregivers - this is one not to be missed.

Please save the date for our annual "Successful Transitions Information Night" for post-school options. We cover all things University, including application timelines, special entry schemes, gap year, Scholarships and financial issues, moving away from home, etc.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Mrs Leanne Tinsey (Mon-Thurs) & Mrs Karen Bale (Fri)
Leader of Future Pathways
Year 12 Careers
Reconnecting with alumni who graduated from St Joseph's Regional College 10+ years ago is proving to unlock valuable insights into opportunities for movement between roles and responsibilities and focus areas within the same sector/industry. This week's spotlight on Dillon Heagney is a prime example of this, where his initial degree and employment in Pharmacy has seen him take up business development work within the pharmaceutical industry. Well done Dillon!#pharmacist #businessdevelopment #wherearetheynow #aHSC4opportunity

Alumni - Where are you now?

St Joseph's Regional has a rich tradition spanning over 50 years, so if you're a parent, grandparent, community member, interested bystander, and a former student, we would love to hear from you. Our alumni program showcases former students with a story about their post-school journey. Our ex-students can be tradespeople, business owners, entrepreneurs, professionals, and more. They can be dealing with people on a daily basis, researching in a scientific lab, caring for our vulnerable members of society, keeping a protective eye on our communities, writing the stories that make up our history, caring for our environment etc.

If you would like to have YOUR story showcased in our fortnightly newsletter, broadcast across our social media channels, used in information sessions for our students, and spotlighted in our Senior Study, then please send the following to

  • a bullet point list of what you have done since leaving Regional (please include the dates)
  • a short statement outlining advice that you would give to your younger self, knowing what you know now, and
  • an appropriate photo of yourself, possibly depicting you undertaking the work that you conduct as part of your career.

Mrs Leanne Tinsey
Careers Pathway

Weekly Lunch Specials
Term 2 Week 5 Lunch Specials 
Monday Chicken Pesto Pasta
Tuesday Corn Fritters & Greek Salad (Vegetarian & GF)
Wednesday Beef Burritos
Thursday Roast Dinner
Friday Pupil Free Day
Term 2 Week 6 Lunch Specials 
Monday Chicken Parmi Burger
Tuesday Pumpkin Soup (Vegetarian & GF)
Wednesday Savoury Mince on Roast Potato
Thursday Tandoori Chicken & Rice
Friday Spaghetti & Meatballs

The Canteen opens at 8.00 am every school day.

CLICK HERE for the Canteen's everyday menu.

Breeanna Stone
Food Services Manager


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